Studies & Measures

There are four specific studies that make up the YIT evaluation.

The following pages include brief descriptions of each of these studies and list the specific measures used. On the Common Study and Services & Costs Study pages, we include links to the full forms so regions can view and download the necessary forms.

  1. Common Study: Regions collect descriptive information on all young adults served by their region’s funded system of care at intake and every 6 months for as long as they receive YIT funded services
  2. Vermont Study: The evaluation team recruits young adults and their caregivers or adult allies to provide in-depth information about strengths, access to services, trauma, substance use, emotional and behavioral challenges, and medical services.
  3. National Study: The evaluation team recruits young adults and their caregivers or adult allies to provide more in-depth information focusing on young adult outcomes in a number of areas as well as views on the services received.
  4. Services & Costs Study: Only for young adults participating in the National Study, regions will track the array of services and supports they are receiving along with their costs.