Brattleboro Dashboards

This page shares the Brattleboro dashboards, which are brief reports designed to provide quick information about the status of young adults in the YIT evaluation

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  • March 2013

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through March 2013. Outcomes with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported.

  • December 2012

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through December 2012. Outcomes with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported.

  • September 2012

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through Sept. 2012. Outcomes findings come from young adults who completed Common Study interviews when they started YIT services AND 6 mo. later. Sample sizes change because not all questions were answered, and samples <10 were not reported for confidentiality.

  • June 2012

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through June 2012. Outcomes findings come from young adults who completed Common Study interviews when they started YIT services AND 6 mo. later. Outcomes findings with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported for confidentiality.

  • March 2012

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through March 2012. Outcomes with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported.

  • December 2011

    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through December 2011. Outcomes with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported.

  • September 2011
    This YIT dashboard is cumulative and includes information on all young adults participating through September 2011. Outcomes with fewer than 10 young adults could not be reported.