

Young adults in Vermont are empowered, healthy, valued, and engaged in their communities.


Young adults, families/adult allies and community partners collaborate to develop a system of care to support transition to adulthood. The system builds upon the strengths of young adults and creates an array of specialized mental health and related services to meet their unique and changing needs. The system also fosters young adult leadership.

Goals to Achieve and Strengthen Regional Systems of Care

  1. Young adult leadership is developed in Vermont.
  2. Families/adult allies support young adults.
  3. Workers use caring practices known to be helpful for young adults and families.
  4. System of Care partners gain cultural and lingustic competence (CLC).
  5. Local communities (including young adults) change their perceptions of young adults and of mental health issues, reducing stigma.
  6. Eectiveness of the System of Care for young adults with SED is evaluated.
  7. The State supports and sustains regional services for young adults.

Desired Outcome for Individuals

  1. Decreased number of young adults involved in the corrections system (including an increase in the number who are free of incarceration).
  2. Increased number of young adults who are employed.
  3. Increased number of young adults participating in (of who completed) educational programs.
  4. Increased number of young adults who have access to, and are using, a medical home.
  5. Increased number of young adults living in safe & stable housing.
  6. Increased number of young adults who have caring and supportive relationships.
  7. Increase Young Adults’ strengths and protective factors.
  8. Improve the mental health of young adults.